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Honor Societies

California Junior Scholarship Federation

CJSF or California Junior Scholarship Federation is a statewide organization founded for the purpose of fostering high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in the middle school grades. Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School is a charter member of CJSF. The organization emphasizes service to the school and the community while creating pride in scholastic achievement. The organization's motto is "Scholarship for Service".

Prospective high schools and colleges seek students who have qualified for CJSF and later in CSF (the high school version of CJSF program) due to the emphasis of academic performance and values-based character development. Students who maintain their status as members for two trimesters in seventh grade and two trimesters in eighth grade at Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School will graduate with CJSF Honors and will be accepted at their respective high school as an Associate Member in CSF.

Striving to instill the value of responsibility, students apply for membership by the deadline designated by the advisor and posted online. Academic qualifications are based on the five core academic subjects, namely, mathematics, social studies, Language Arts, and science.

Qualifications, deadlines and detailed information can be emailed to parents and prospective candidates. Please email your request to [email protected].

National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Chapter of Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of the prestigious national organization (NHS). Membership is open to those students in grades seven and eight who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, and character. The standard for selection is established by the national office of NJHS and has been revised to meet our local chapter needs. Students do not apply for this organization. A faculty council bestows this honor upon qualified students on behalf of the school after consultation with the administration team.

NJHS requires students to meet academic requirements and will be evaluated by the faculty council for acceptance into NJHS. To evaluate a candidate’s character, leadership and citizenship, the faculty council uses the student’s disciplinary records in and out of class, observations of leadership qualities and student self-reflection based on the school’s Values-Based Disciplinary Program. Once inducted, new members are required to maintain the same level of academic and character performance (or better) in all criteria that led to their selection. This obligation includes regular attendance at chapter meetings held monthly during the school year, service hours, and participation in the chapter service project(s).

The members of the National Junior Honor Society are selected from the seventh and eighth-grade classes using criteria based on scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Students who wish to be members of this prestigious organization must show a dedication to community service, leadership in school organizations, and exemplary character.

Scholarship: Students who demonstrate high levels of academic achievement are eligible for consideration to this organization. The faculty coordinator will evaluate and advise potential candidates regarding specific requirements. Students who meet these requirements are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character.

Service: This quality is aligned with the Educational Project of the Company of Mary, through Extending a Hand, and is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit. Students who are accepted into membership must complete a minimum amount of service hours. These hours may only be for NJHS and may not be used to fulfill requirements for any other organization.

Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.

Character: The student of good character upholds principles of morality, values and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.

Citizenship: The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic involvement, has high regard for freedom, justice, and democracy, and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs.

National Junior Honor Society members participate in a variety of activities in order to assist the school and the community. Membership helps students develop and appreciate service-oriented endeavors throughout the school year.

Qualifications, deadlines and detailed information can be emailed to parents and prospective candidates. Please email your request to [email protected].

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